The Five States Herald

Welcome to The Five States Herald, the premier, but unofficial, in-universe newspaper covering events in RDO. It is a combination of references to in game events, player interactions, inferences, and real world stories from the era retold in the world of RDO. This is completely fan made and has no affiliation with Rockstar.

The Five States Herald is a weekly newspaper and new issues are published every Sunday. If you would like to contribute, either by writing or letting us write about your character’s actions, please use the contact page. While the majority of the stories presently are made up by a single person, the goal is to have more stories written by others and about other players. Made up stories about NPCs are fun and no doubt expand the universe and therefore enhance immersion, stories about actual players will make the Herald feel more like a newspaper covering events that matter.

In game character names will be used when possible and when not, vague references will have to do. XBL Gamertags or PSN IDs will not be used for identification. Beyond this introduction, and in select areas on the website, everything will be written as if it is within the game world. Hopefully many players will be able to use this newspaper to flesh out the world and enhance their roleplay experience or just enjoy a few stories when away from your console.

Thank you for coming and enjoy!


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